Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Can you stand it?
The World rejoices
with us...

But now we have a great job ahead... We must step up to the plate, be more self reliant and more responsible in our actions. IT will take years for the mess that has been made of this country to be corrected and made great again. I am most excited for our children.... They now have a "real" role model for them... not a Hip Hop Rapper.... Not an athlete... not a TV or Movie star. A MAN of color, raised by a single mother... a MAN, who is intelligent, self confident, articulate, passionate... A MAN, that takes the high road in all situations, A MAN, courageous in his convictions, hell... a MAN of conviction, A MAN of INTEGRITY. No More Excuses... YES WE CAN!

This is the Gratitude month of November... and we have much to be grateful for... A brave new world... where color is no longer an issue... (however, some still need to catch up and we must send them love and light...)

peace n blessings,

Living from the Heart

Many of us have been taught to live from only one of our six senses, our mind. We have forgotten, lost touch, with the other five senses available for our perception of life. Assuming no physical disabilities, every moment of life, we can see with our eyes, we can smell with our nose, we can taste with our mouth, we can hear with our ears, and we can touch life with our skin.

Living from the heart is allowing our body/mind sensations to come to our attention, moment by moment. In reality, every moment of life is new and every situation is fresh and clean. When we live from our head only, life can appear to be repetitious, sometimes exciting and sometimes boring. We are continually seeking pleasure and avoiding pain. Much of my life has been in this seeking process. An inner feeling of uneasiness, that I should be somewhere I am not, with someone I am not, having something I don’t have. Instead of living from my whole being, I have been in the process of having this and wanting that, of being this and becoming that. The cycle of emotional suffering is very painful and I have learned that it is all self inflicted.

Living from the heart means we are connected deeply with the core of our real being. We know who we are and where we are all the time. We are connected with the source of life.

A child is born in the world, he has an experience, this experience goes into his brain, he remembers the experience, he desires the experience again, if he gets what he desires, there is pleasure, if he doesn’t get what he wants, there is emotional pain for him and or others around him. At a very young age, the child has formed an image of himself and of the outside world. When the outside world fits the inside image, there is pleasure, when there is no match, there is pain. The cycle of seeking pleasure and avoiding pain begins.

He starts using his intellect to figure out what works and what doesn’t. This becomes a habit, an ingrained pattern in the brain. Patterns repeat until replaced. The longer a pattern is repeated the deeper ingrained it is. His brain becomes conditioned to look at life in a certain way, with certain beliefs. This pattern continues until something happens in his life to show him that his version of life no longer works. This is can be viewed as life waking him up.

To live from the heart means to live from feelings, body sensations. We learn to trust our own feelings and rely on them. We learn not to rely on our mental and emotional states alone. We learn to distinguish between emotions and emotional reactions.

When our mind and body are not in sync, in the present moment, there can be tension and conflict in the body. Mental and emotional movies can create drama in our minds and our brain sends chemicals flooding the body alerting it to dangers that are not real, they are only in our mind.

We can learn to slow down our thinking process so that we can observe our thoughts and feelings. The brain is a receptacle for thoughts, an instrument, a tool. Slowing down the function of the brain will slow down the production of thoughts. Thoughts produce feelings, sensations in the body. Feelings produce emotions. An emotion produces energy in the body.

We can slow our brain down by meditating, by praying, by deep breathing, by exercising, by touching our body and letting it know it is safe, by allowing thoughts to come as they will and seeing clearly that we can let them go as quickly as they come.

A clear mind and a receptive heart is a recipe for a healthy and vital life. My hope is that everyone will realize that all suffering, with the exception of physical pain inflicted on one person by another, is self inflicted. When we realize that we are creating our suffering, we can stop doing that and observe the thoughts and feelings instead of becoming them.

It’s takes time to drop conditioning, but the rewards are well worth the effort and we have plenty of time to do this. Time is a function of the mind. Time comes from nowhere and goes nowhere.

Tomorrow never comes, everyone knows. Tomorrow never comes, it just goes! Awareness of the body/mind functions over time reveals to the observer the truth that this present moment is all there is.

©2002 Michael D. Johnson, all rights reserved.

Be Happy by Being Grateful for Whatever Comes
by Enoch Tan

All we want is to be happy in life. Happiness is not only what we feel when we have what we desire, it is also the very emotion that attracts what we desire to us. It is much easier to manifest our intentions if we stop focusing on intending but instead we focus on just being happy with what is. Focus less on asking the universe for this or that and more on just being grateful for whatever comes. We will feel such sweet and true joy when we enjoy the present fully than by trying to create for the future.

Many a times, we sabotage the manifestation of our intentions unknowingly by focusing too much on intending. The truth is that focusing on our intentions too much only reinforces the fact that they do not exist, therefore we are trying to manifest them. The idea that you must focus on your intentions all the time is a fallacy. To manifest our desires, you have to be in vibrational harmony with the realization of our desires, which means you must think, feel and act as if your desires have already manifested.

If you already had all your desires manifested, you wouldn’t be trying to manifest anything, but you would be enjoying and being grateful for all that you have. You would feel totally happy and joyful about the way your life is. You would totally love your life. That is exactly the state for you to be in right now if you want to be in vibrational harmony with all your dreams and desires. This is the secret key all along. It is about not trying to manifest at all but to allow yourself to be as happy as you can be.


Being Grateful for Your Uniqueness

Have you ever wondered if it is really true that no two snowflakes are alike? Well, scientists tell us that variations among complex snow crystals are purely limitless. Many snowflakes look alike – even under the microscope – but at closer examination, they differ. Even with 1024 snowflakes per year, the probability of two exactly identical snow crystals happening within the lifetime of the universe is practically zero.

Given the infinitely greater complexity of a human person, you may be absolutely sure that there never was, not ever will be, anyone like you.

"At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person...
Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those
who have lighted the flame within us..."

~Albert Schweitzer

Friday, November 07, 2008

Sunday, September 28, 2008


The Chinese say.... May you live in interesting times...
Well these times are more than just interesting... I thought I was being challenged until I spoke to a few of my friends. One lost a job for caring for an ailing parent, some are watching as their investments go up in flames, some friends are upside down, ect.... I had my identity stolen last month and then again today....
( man I hate when someone messes with my money! ) all the while trying to survive “the depression” no one wants to talk about at least not with that language. Seems we are all being tested and reevaluating... our faith in ourselves (keeping our inner peace and resolve) and how much faith we can put in others (which is usually a really bad idea)...

It’s a time of optimism and growth... or complacency fueled by fear. We are on the eve of great changes in our society and our country as we knew it, and not only with the upcoming election. How’s it working for you? It’s time for cleaning up and securing our beliefs, our relationships, our inner workings (how we perceive ourselves), how we project ourselves to the world and how we want the world to see who we really are. It’s a time for discarding things, old ideas and theories, and people who/that no longer represent who and what we are... those that no longer serve us. It’s time to step up to the plate and be the change you want to see in the world... or not, that’s up to you... But serious change is a coming, like it or not and it will be uncomfortable as most change is.... and not just because the leaves are changing their colors this season...

Peace and Blessings,

We are in the midst of the battle of our lives. If fear wins you chain yourselves to a dimension that will never support your highest potentials, your authentic nature, your vitality or your peace.

If love wins, you regain everything that supports your passions, your relationships, your alchemical natures and your internal peace.

Each one of us is either going to free ourselves now to live as Ascended Beings on a New Planet Earth or relegate ourselves to one "hell" of a life.

If you are wondering why this is so, it's simple. Our Mother/Father God, the very soul of we are no longer desires the experience of further decline.
~Maureen Moss

"God is a God of Love and He does not teach through fear or use fear in any way."
~David Nelmes


Maureen Moss wrote the following timely article for her World Puja newsletter. It inspires hope and action for the financial crisis we are facing today.

I pray you are well as we watch the "end times" and the "beginning times" simultaneously take their rightful and destined places on Planet Earth. As we watch the great illusion crumbling into ash, it is we, The Great Phoenix's, that are being prepared to rise up from the ashes, and stay up as we witness the end times of one of the most strategic games of Illusion ever played in any dimension at any time.

(I remind you that The Phoenix is the mystical bird, which consumes itself in the fire and then rises from its own ashes.)

While many profess we are in the worst times in our human history, with our "Wag the Dog" politics, shaking and shuddering of Mother Earth and an economy careening out of control, I beg to differ. We are in the midst of the most mystical times of our life, and the most demanding times of our lives as we are being called UP to higher consciousness and higher stewardship of our lives on ALL levels of our Creation including the aspect living on Planet Earth.

What we are facing in the world external is our blessing, not our curse. How much longer could we continue to live beneath ourselves as powerless hostages rather than Powerful Alchemists and Unified Co-Creators of a Great Reality rather than a pathetic Illusion? Yet again, does crisis unite us? Perhaps this time, after this particular crisis passes (and it will) we will call forth our unification without crisis as the instigator.

Undoubtedly and understandably because we are accustomed to believing illusion is reality, it appears to many as though we're all going down on the Titanic. We are NOT. The illusion however is, if we let it. The distortion of reality is going down, if we let it. We are not going down, if we agree to come out of the trances and denials that illusion has hypnotized us with for eons of time and is making strong last ditch efforts to persuade us that Truth Is, where clearly lies are. We will not go down if once and for all we finalize who is going to be in charge of our lives, (and it's not a President) and whether the almighty dollar or the Almighty Gods that we are is going to be a priority and a force for change. We will not go down if we stop trying to breach our security by grasping for fear based solutions granting us momentary reprieve.

The world external grants us a grand mirror my brothers and sisters. This is the time where we are being called upon to be super-conscious about what illusions and fears lie hidden in ourselves (not just in those running for office) that must be exposed and examined, blessed and left to die off before the mind gets in there to perpetrate another cover-up, and believe me it will. The only difference between the mind and the government is the spelling. Both make frenzied and inappropriate choices more often than not, which we have come to find out repeatedly. The mind however goes one step further by deciding to get prophetic about your future, by conversing rapidly and repeatedly with you as to what to do about the predicament you and our world "appear to be in." Actually as I consider that, the government is doing that as well now isn't it?

Please let me remind you that neither the mortal mind nor the government have the capability to be either prophetic or design a Divine Blueprint of re-creation. Only our hearts and soul coupled with passion, intention and action can. With the great illusion finally falling apart, we are being given all of the legroom necessary to create something that is its polar opposite, something that has been waiting in the "wings" for us as a potential for a very long time - The Great Reality.

It seems that we in the United States had best cast our votes as wisely as possible and get busy with the task at hand, creating a Great Reality out of the ashes of the fallen Illusion. Once our votes are cast, the rest will be taken care of. Since I have never known Spirit to deal from the top of the deck, EVER, perhaps it's another Masterful set-up for unification on a much higher playing field. I certainly don't know for sure, but I have seen and experienced many a set-up that turned out to be experience used for something greater.

There is a reason that the election has stirred up a hornet's nest in so many bonnets and it's a good thing. It's caused many to stand up and fight for what they believe is fair and right. It's caused many to be sickened by blatant lies and fraudulent statements and to go to great lengths to discredit what they will not tolerate. It's inciting humanity to move out of complacency and fight for the right to be free and to demand honesty and integrity and to make sure our voices are heard and actions are taken. It's exciting that this might be the very fuel that's long been needed to amp up consciousness, to create a Greater Reality, not just talk about it or pray for it. It's our task, and it will be our blessing.

Imagine the example we are capable of setting for all of humanity including our children and theirs to come. Imagine the healing that will be felt by of our entire ancestral lineage if we go about the task at hand? There isn't a President or Head of State or Nation that's going to "secure" anybody's future. That's just another illusion being irresponsibly promised. It's a blessing to finally see what illusion does to humanity on a grand scale, and it's humbling to see where in our own lives we have done it to ourselves and each other.

Now, if each will take that stirred up energy, turn it inward and clean up any personal internal messes and clear things up with your loved ones (past or present) you will have fertile ground on which to create a Great Reality. You will be supported by a God and Guardians of higher dimensions in your pursuit of happiness and fairness, self-respect and love as you turn your attention towards what you really came to this earth to do, create a Great Reality that is dependent on nothing other than your increased abilities to love responsibly, BE compassion and imbue the vitality of Spirit in every soul you meet.

What would your version of the Great Reality look like based on heartfelt and soul-filled terms and conditions and love and beyond for your-Self and each other? Do you doubt for a moment that you can create a Great Reality and then inflame it? You can. After all we did it with the illusion didn't we? The same energy and power we used to inflame and joint venture with the great illusion shares the metal of the same coin to create the Great Reality and inflame it, and live peacefully within its embrace. It just depends which way you purposefully flip it and how sick and tired you are of the fraudulent nature of illusion and recognize once and for all how it rapes, pillages and plunders TRUTH and LOVE and COMPASSION and UNITY.

To some it may seem improbable to consider birthing (creating) a Great Reality given the current state of external affairs. It's not. It's perfect timing. Apparently we needed a great prompting and now our attention has been gotten in a palpable way. Are you ready for something fresh and life giving? Are you ready to once and for all BE harmonious with your Divine State of Being and with each other? Are you going to wait for someone to get elected to an office in third dimensional territory for a fifth dimensional happening to take place?

Remember WE are the ones we have been waiting for, not an elected official. It seems that those in every state and every nation would be well served to unite and co-create a new Great Reality whose underpinnings are Certainty, Strength, Support, Honest Communication, Wisdom, Compassion and Love. And here's something to consider; though some may not be ready to co-create The Great Reality with you, so be it. Bless them and let them live out their version of life. You will only be affected if you allow it or when you bend down in the mud and roll around with them.

Mahatma Gandhi said: "Human greatness lies in being able to remake themselves and then they will be the change they wish to see in the world." I add to that: Human greatness lies in being fully capable of closing down an era of time known as the Great Illusion and co-creating The Great Reality, opening a new era in time of love and beyond.

Copyright, September 2008, Maureen Moss, http://www.worldpuja.org
Please pass this on with proper credit and website.
as condensed by Sylvia Silk at www.sylviasilk.com

Friday, September 05, 2008

The Lost Art of Human Communication...
(have you been replaced by a server?)
The Meaning of Falcon and Hawk Sightings... as I saw them...

Hello friends... this month is interesting...
Happy birthday to all Virgo's

Wishing you all lots of heartfelt love and happiness

P & B,

The Lost Art of Human Communication
by Gail Oliver © 09-05-08

In 2004, I turned my personal phone’s answering machine off for good. I got tired of coming home to 10 messages that were urgent in the minds of the senders. OPP & OPS* (you figure it out). It works... with Caller ID I can see who called, and I can return the call when I have the time... which is usually the same day. Add that to 7 email addresses, a Business line and a cell phone, I figure that's good enough and if you really want to find me.... I can be found.

2+ years ago, I joined a social website (then called Zaadz, now Gaia, now part of the Gaiam conglomerate) for spiritual growth and fellowship. Their pitch was join us, network and share ideas, do conscious commerce and be the change you want to see in the world. God bless you Brian! WOW! I thought, how forward thinking and what a great opportunity to connect with like minded people.

At first I only had a few friends... then a year later I looked up and the numbers increased, now I have 215 friends (not much compared to some other larger social web sites, but considering the numbers, enough... and more than enough "friends" to try to manage). A few of us have communicated off the site and have discussed life, most of them overseas and I chat with them weekly. Onsite, well, some I will write to and hear from again, and some I won't. Some are friendly and some are aloof. Some a genuine, and some are not. Some just need attention... Some are on there all day ( how do they make a living?). Some invite you and then you never hear from them. I guess you get out... what you put in. But when does this become just a collection of people for ego gratification (look how popular I am) or sincere goodwill? If that is the case, then less is way better... if you can’t keep up with the real time people in your life, how can you keep up with ePeople?

Switch reels, this becomes a parable for life. When did electronic communication replace actual human interaction? When did intimacy get replaced with pablum relationships that require no commitment? Sometimes sending love and light, peace and blessings, is a great thing to hear when you are having a tough time... But I still appreciate the human call or visit. On these spaces, its easy to say anything to a stranger... no harm no foul. It is what it is. No "real" investment or "real" responsibility and again, "no" intimacy. This type of communication truly does not matter in terms real life and waters down real relations. How does this foster or sustain human interaction?... There are no challenges or interactive conversations, no emotions, no immediate feedback... Cuts our brain's skills down to silly (useless) putty because again we aren't responsible for anything we say or promise. I find this true with email too... When things get uncomfortable... And they always do.... that’s life!...But now you can “delete!” a conversation. Thus deleting life. And what’s more important than life itself in real time.... after all, we only have NOW!

I am at last weaning myself off of this site... Was I in it for the attention like most? Or was I in it to connect? True I have met friends that are like minded that perhaps I would have never met where I live, and I love them.... but then given the chance, maybe I would have run into real time humans that are like-minded in my own environment. The internet seems to dis-enfranchise us from real connections with real people.... and make it OK to be disfunctional.

When did we become a society of email junkies instead of real time communicators? When did we lose touch with human interaction? When did arguments online replace shared human emotion and passion? We’re all guilty...(been there done that, got the tee shirt, gave it to goodwill, and soooo over it) When did phone skills and talking with people back and forth become replaced with a “tag your it” mentality? (I got you first, now the balls in your court)... This cuts out rejection or consent in real time...Real life.... Are we that insecure? When did our lives begin to be played out over the world wide web like a soap opera? (seemingly private, but by now we should know better) When did this become the optimum way to communicate? Is this easier than dealing with the messiness, and responsibilities of real people? Are we that lazy?

I still prefer a real visit with face to face interaction (being able to see, touch, react) or a 5-10 minute conversation if not longer when a visit is impossible, for optimum communicating.... it takes longer to email anyway. With email, you don’t have to deal in real time with real time reactions... and by the time you check back, the response either irrelevant or outdated.

If you are in business, it cuts out faxes and phone calls therefore, I understand the worth of this form of communication. What took hours, messengers, FedEx and 2 day shipping in my chosen profession, now takes minutes... Now I can do my graphic design and be "Green"... I can collect photos, copy and art, create it, it can be proofed and it can be approved online. I can even order the printing online, transfer the files and then have the project shipped to the client without leaving home... So I get it, and I'm glad to be able to utilize this technology.

But when did this become acceptable for dealing with and cutting out our friends and loved ones by lumping them into an abyss of eCommunication? No one is that [fill in the blank] busy... When did our form of relaxation become bantering on a social website for hours with strangers and or emailing loved ones replace and become our chosen form of human reach out OR touch? Jokes, political mess, photos, a great poem/story, uplifting info.... Yeah, I get it! Texting and e-mails after all have replaced paging... but at least with paging you usually spoke to the person at some point. Cell phones... Well you know how I feel about that from previous blogs... Its rude! Especially when you bypass old phone etiquette ( I have company), for new school urgency (look, I'm popular!). News alert! There is a time and a place for this! As stated before... If you are always attached to the new millennium’s umbilical cord ( your beam me up Scotty gear), you are detached from the real time real world with your foot in the future.... If I have company, or I am in a meeting, or I am interacting with a real human... the cell phones off! I do not answer. And I do not answer if I am driving... My life is too important and so should be yours!

When did we get so self-involved and so self-centered, that we have no time for people? Aren’t these devices and innovations suppose to make life more efficient? So why has it made real time interaction with humans seemingly obsolete and unimportant?

Enough said....

To my friends on Zaadz and the like ( my real time friends)... I LOVE YOU ALL.... However, I am going to go back to real life interaction... as messy as it is... as uncomfortable as it is... as inconvenient as it is... as beautiful as it is... as rewarding as it is... as fulfilling as it is... as comforting as it can be!.. At least it's real... and stop this madness... It is the regression of our society as we know it.. a major dis-connect when we are supposed to be connecting... in these disconnected times.

I hope you can disconnect long enough from the “E” world to join me in the “RT” (real time) world... BALANCE!

Disclaimer... I really enjoy email to reach out to friends and family that live in other towns and countries... after all there would be no way to communicate with them other than high phone bills. My rant is based on the social web sites... and those that use this as a way to avoid true intimacy... As a friend told me last night... with texting and email, there is no way to save a kind message or love offering, birthday greetings or words of encouragement.... not like a handwritten note or card that can be reread and cherished forever...

*other people's problems and other people's shit...


In Native American cultures the hawk represents a messenger. It often appears in our life when we need to pay attention to the subtle messages found in our surroundings and from those we come in contact with. As with all messages received it is important to recognize its underlying truth. Because there are so many varieties of hawk its messages vary and can affect all levels of our psyche.

One thing that all hawks have in common is the skill to move between the seen and unseen realms gracefully connecting both worlds together. Their acute vision compliments this ability and their discriminating nature keeps them out of harms way. The broader vision of the hawk allows them to see what the future holds. In man this symbolizes prophetic insight. If this medicine is underdeveloped a tendency towards over analyzing everything is common. In so doing, clear vision is lost. Those who hold this totem should remember to keep their analytical mind under control and not allow it to run wild.

The Peregrine Falcon

lives up to its Latin name: Falco Peregrinus which means foreigner or stranger because it is a migratory bird rather than sedentary - it is found throughout the world and tends to travel great distances.
The peregrine is most often used in falconry due to its keen intellect and incredible ability to calculate or judge its prey.

Throughout history, culture and myth, Falcons symbolize superiority, spirit, light, freedom and aspiration. The Falcon is a solar emblem for success, victory and rising above a situation. Further evidence of its solar influence, the Falcon was symbolic of the rising sun in Egypt. It is also the king of all birds where many gods were shown with the head or body of the Falcon (including Ra).

In Western tradition, the Falcon represents the huntsman and is associated with the Germanic sky-gods Wodan as well as Frigg and the trickster Loki.

In European culture the Falcon is considered a warlike symbol.
At its core, the Falcon represents visionary power, wisdom, and guardianship. This powerful bird awakens visionary power, and leads you to your life purpose. The Falcon carries with it a message of transition and change - perhaps in your vocation, work, home, etc.

The fact that this Peregrine chose to show itself is a powerful message in itself. This is a call for you to pay attention to the your performance, your function, your actions.
Falcons encourage us to calculate and strategize. If we have a goal, Falcons beckon us to make plans and strategies to obtain these goals.

Falcons are all about focus - strong, one-pointed focus. When they show themselves to us, we are being called to focus on our desires and our goals, and do what is necessary to bring our desires into our reality.

The fact that the Falcon is a solar beast, something in your life that you are highly passionate about, and the Falcon is asking you to take action on this passion. But be smart about it - don’t jump into something without doing research and planning. Make your passion a reality by persuing it methodically.

Lastly, invoke the spirit of the Falcon in your meditations, during quite/relaxing times, and just before sleeping. When you calm yourself and call upon the spirit of the Falcon, the Falcon is then able to come through your consciousness and provide you more details about what you must know. Animals are always willing to provide us more messages - it is up to us to allow their messages to come through an listen.

Thank you for this gift! These birds are a wonderful gift from God to witness...

Friday, August 22, 2008

FOOD WARNING: Seems we need to either need to grow our own or, BUY ORGANIC Spinach and Lettuce.

I don't have a lot to say these days (have gone within to do some spiritual maintenance and rethinking a lot of things that don't seem to support my highest good, to emerge a better version of me), but thank you for reading my blog... this is a MUST READ for your health... Take action to save our food supply... If this is alarming to you and a bit extreme, good... BTW, I AM growing my own greens and tomatoes and fruits, maybe if you have a yard, this isn't such a bad idea..... BTW, those are me and my Mom 'Matos from last year... this year's crops are going strong... and darn tasty too!

peace & blessings,

Food Warning...

The FDA has announced that beginning today August 22, 2008, spinach and lettuce sold across the United States may now be secretly irradiated before it reaches grocery store shelves. What's "secret" about it? The FDA previously decided that irradiation warning stickers would not be required on any food items because it would be "too confusing to consumers." (The word IRRADIATION apparently has too many letters to be understood to food buyers.) Thus, irradiated foods will not be labeled as such, and consumers are going to be left in the dark about all this (except for those who actually eat the irradiated food, in which case they will glow in the dark).

The FDA, of course, insists that the levels of irradiation used to kill e.coli will have no effect whatsoever on the nutritional value of the food. This astonishing statement comes from an agency that doesn't believe food has any nutritional value in the first place, so lowering the value to zero by destroying all the phytonutrients does not, in the opinion of the FDA, alter its nutritional value at all. Thus, destroying all the anti-cancer nutrients in a head of broccoli merely brings that broccoli into "compliance" as a non-functional food, according to the FDA.

Radiation, of course, destroys delicate phytochemicals in plants -- the very phytochemicals protecting consumers against cancer, heart disease, high cholesterol, inflammation and other diseases. Microwaving broccoli, for example, destroys up to 98% of its anti-cancer nutrients. (The FDA has not yet acknowledged this scientific fact, either.) In a similar way, irradiating food destroys much of its nutritional content, including vitamins, carotenoids, anthocyanins and other delicate protective nutrients that are right now providing the last, desperate nutritional defense against the American diet of meat, milk, fried foods and processed junk.
Irradiating fresh produce will leave the U.S. population is a state of extreme deficiency in protective plant-based nutrients.

Does the FDA plan to destroy the health of the U.S. population?

Many people suspect that's what the FDA really wants. A nutritionally-deficient, disease-ridden population would mean a windfall of profits for the FDA's buddies in Big Pharma -- the folks who sell patented medications at monopoly prices. With the food supply destroyed by radiation, ordinary people would have virtually no remaining sources of protective phytonutrients! In promoting this food radiation policy, the FDA has accomplished what all the terrorists in the world could not: The mass irradiation of the U.S. food supply -- much like setting off a dirty bomb over the nation's farms (but with less radiation).

This destruction of the nutritional value of the food supply is a far greater threat to the health of the U.S. population than any terrorist event, including 9/11. And yet it is being done by our own people, TO our own people, by a lawless agency that answers to no one. FDA officials are not voted into office by the People; they are appointed by politicians. They answer to no one, they refuse to follow federal law, and they operate as tyrants over a quarter of the U.S. economy.

And now they have taken it upon themselves to destroy
the national food supply

We should be more than just alarmed -- we should be outraged! The FDA has committed an act of war against the People. With this decision, the FDA has firmly positioned itself as an enemy of the People, and a bringer of death and disease to the nation. Why are our elected representatives in Washington allowing this madness?
Think about this: If the FDA has its way:
• All your food will be irradiated, pasteurized or killed

• All your children will be vaccinated

• All your medicine will be based on pharmaceuticals

• All your free speech about health will be suppressed

• All informative labeling on food and supplements will be outlawed

• Growing and selling non-irradiated garden vegetables will become a crime!

Today it's spinach and lettuce; tomorrow it's all fresh produce
Don't think the FDA will stop with spinach and lettuce, either. They're already talking about irradiating tomatoes, peppers and onions. Before long, radiation could become mandatory for ALL fresh produce, and all the fresh fruits and vegetables that are supposed to contain health-protecting nutrients will be transformed into sterile, inert plant mass with no health benefits at all. (Brilliant scam, huh?) This is by design. I believe the FDA wants the American public to be sickened and diseased. Why else would they ban Free Speech about healing foods like cherries, broccoli and garlic? Why would they outlaw the selling of herbs and nutritional supplements that claim to treat and prevent disease? The FDA wants you to be sick, enslaved and medicated, and irradiating the food supply is the quickest way to accomplish that.

He who controls the food controls the People.

He who destroys the food can profit from the People's sickness.

The FDA's crimes against humanity

In pushing this radiation agenda, the FDA is committing a crime against humanity -- a nutritional atrocity that violates fundamental human rights. And yet the FDA's top decision makers continue to operate with zero oversight and zero accountability. They make decisions in a corporate-sponsored vacuum, absent any input from reasonable, health-conscious consumers or scientists. And because they have been granted tyrannical powers by Congress, the FDA operates above the law. It is not subject to any laws whatsoever; not even the U.S. Constitution which is supposed to protect the People's right to "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness" (as stated in the Declaration of Independence).

The mass irradiation of the food supply is a violation of the "Life" part of that phrase, wouldn't you agree? If we can no longer buy nourishing foods with their nutrients intact, then we are all doomed to degenerative disease and death... but not before paying out our life savings to doctors, drug companies and hospitals. That's the evil genius of the food irradiation plot: It kills you slowly, at just the right pace to drain your bank account before you expire from malnutrition. I truly believe this irradiation of the food supply is the beginning of the end of America. No nation can survive the destruction of its food supply.

The FDA is dooming America to a slow, painful, medicated death. In a generation, this nation will be lost, destroyed from within by short-sighted tyrants who violated nature and left the People to rot.
What you can do right now to fight this latest transgression by the FDA For starters, you can: 1) Grow your own food. A little gardening is good. Grow whatever you can, even if it's just a few kitchen herbs. 2) Buy your food at farmer's markets, coops and CSAs. See http://www.localharvest.org/csa 3) Ask your grocery store if they are buying irradiated spinach. If they don't know, demand they find out! 4) Raise hell with your Senators and Congresspeople, demanding they pass new laws protecting consumers from the FDA and its plot to destroy the nutritional value of the food supply. Also, listen to two podcasts I've posted on this topic. The first was recorded several months ago, where I publicly predicted the FDA would do exactly what we're seeing right now. Listen to that podcast here: http://www.naturalnews.com/Index-Podcas...

The second podcast was just posted today. I recorded it right before writing this article. It goes into much greater detail about the FDA's plot to destroy the health of the U.S. population. You can listen to that here: http://www.naturalnews.com/Index-Podcas...

Finally, don't stand for this food supply madness! Raise your voice. Write your local paper, call your representatives in Washington and tell them you strongly oppose the irradiation of the food supply. Teach people about phytonutrients. And stay tuned to NaturalNews as we continue to cover this important story.
The FDA has gone mad. Criminally mad. It is an agency that will literally kill you if given the chance, and it is up to all of us to stop this madness before we lose our health, our children and our very nation.

About the author: Mike Adams is a natural health author and technology pioneer with a passion for teaching people how to improve their health He has authored more than 1,500 articles and dozens of reports, guides and interviews on natural health topics, impacting the lives of millions of readers around the world who are experiencing phenomenal health benefits from reading his articles. Adams is a trusted, independent journalist who receives no money or promotional fees whatsoever to write about other companies' products. In 2007, Adams launched EcoLEDs, a maker of energy efficient LED lights that greatly reduce CO2 emissions. He's also a noted technology pioneer and founded a software company in 1993 that developed the HTML email newsletter software currently powering the NaturalNews subscriptions. Adams is currently the executive director of the Consumer Wellness Center, a 501(c)3 non-profit, and regularly pursues cycling, nature photography, Capoeira and Pilates.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Can You Hear Me Now?
Happy 2nd Anniversary!
to The Urban Shaman

Well it's been 2 years.... and I'm still posting!

Thank you all for your support... without you all this blog would not be...

Here's wishing you all health, happiness and lots of love,


The Art of Listening

The ability and need to communicate touches every area of our lives. Everything we do in life requires communication with others. Just try to not communicate at work for a day or in your business transactions and see what happens. Refuse to communicate in your personal relationships and see what kind of interesting results you'll create.

Much of communication theory focuses on how to speak to others and how to convey your message. But, communication is really a two-way process. It is an activity, not a one-time event. The listener's role is as central to the communication process as the speaker's role. Real communication and connection occur when the speaker AND listener participate in the process.

Since listening is as important as speaking in the communication process, if you wanted to improve your listening skills, where would you begin? Here are a few ideas and suggestions you can use:

1. Exercise active listening skills. Try asking more questions. If you need clarification ask the speaker to say more, give an example or to explain further. Give feedback or paraphrase what you've heard: "Are you saying such and such? What I heard you say is this. Is this what you meant?" Try nodding your head to show interest. Or ask a question of interest to demonstrate that you are really listening to what is being said. Add the occasional "uh-huh". Try making eye contact with the speaker. Even though you are sitting and listening quietly, this may not be enough for the speaker to feel that s/he is truly being understood.

2. Become aware of your personal filters and triggers. Each of us is a product of our upbringing, culture, life experiences and anything and everything that makes us unique as human beings. Our uniqueness can sometimes be an obstacle to being an effective listener. As you listen, try to remain open to what you are hearing and withhold evaluation or judgment. Become aware of what your triggers are in the communication process and what shuts your listening down.

3. Observe your own and other people's listening habits. Ask yourself what it feels like when someone really listens to you and when they don't. Make a list of any behaviors that you find irritating in the listening habits of other people and then examine your own listening behavior. See if you just might exhibit any of the behaviors you find annoying. Create a checklist of habits you want to change. Also, acknowledge yourself for listening habits you have that do work for you. This type of thorough self-exploration is another way to learn about your filters, barriers and triggers as a listener. Once you identify and reduce what gets in the way of your ability to hear, you'll increase your effectiveness as a listener.

4. Listen without formulating a response to the speaker. As listeners we think about 500 words per minute while the normal speaking rate is about 125 to 150 words per minute. That creates a lot of room for communication to break down or for your mind to wander! Try to hear everything that is being said, listen to the entire message and then respond. The temptation is to fill the extra space with your own thoughts and/or responses to what is being said, but filling this space with your own thoughts or responses will take you out of the current conversation. And, you may miss valuable information because you've moved on to a new topic - without the speaker.

5. Listen with empathy. Empathy is an imaginative process. Empathy is emptying the mind and listening with the whole being. Empathy is a respectful understanding of what others are experiencing. True empathy is the ability to fully understand and accept another, complete with all their feelings, thoughts and opinions. It is often frustrating for someone needing empathy to have us assume they want reassurance or "fix-it" advice. Learn to listen for: What's not being said? What's in the way? What's missing? What's needed right now? What's most important to the speaker?

6. Become aware of the speaker's non-verbal communication. One estimate has it that 75% of all communication is non-verbal. Beyond the words is a host of clues as to what the speaker is communicating. Is the speaker's posture rigid or relaxed? Does the speaker maintain eye contact? Does the speaker's vocal tone match the words s/he is using? Are the speaker's movements tense or relaxed and are the movements congruent with the message the words are conveying? Is the verbal and non-verbal communication consistent?

7. Create an environment for the listening to occur. Remove distractions. For example, if you are watching a sporting event on TV or are in the middle of a project at work, you probably don't have the time or space to be an effective listener. Or if you are feeling stressed, you just won't be available to hear what the speaker is saying. Let the speaker know now is not a good time and schedule a time when you can be fully present for the conversation in mind, body and spirit.

We all need to feel that we are being heard and understood. It is a basic human need that is as primary a need as having enough water, food or air to survive. So, try out any of these suggestions and you will experience more of a connection to those around you.

And, if all else fails just remember this quote by Epictetus, the Greek philosopher and you are guaranteed to improve your listening skills:
"Nature gave us one tongue and two ears
so we could hear twice as much as we speak."

© 2008 Creating Strategies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The Art of Listening
By Brenda Ueland

"It is through this creative process that we at once love and are loved."

I want to write about the great and powerful thing that listening is. And how we forget it. And how we don't listen to our children, or those we love. And least of all - which is so important, too - to those we do not love. But we should. Because listening is a magnetic and strange thing, a creative force. Think how the friends that really listen to us are the ones we move toward, and we want to sit in their radius as though it did us good, like ultraviolet rays.
This is the reason: When we are listened to, it creates us, makes us unfold and expand. Ideas actually begin to grow within us and come to life. You know how if a person laughs at your jokes you become funnier and funnier, and if he does not, every tiny little joke in you weakens up and dies. Well, that is the principle of it. It makes people happy and free when they are listened to. And if you are a listener, it is the secret of having a good time in society (because everybody around you becomes lively and interesting), of comforting people, of doing them good.

Who are the people, for example, to whom you go for advice?
Not to the hard, practical ones who can tell you exactly
what to do, but to the listeners; that is, the kindest,
least censorious, least bossy people you know.

Who are the people, for example, to whom you go for advice? Not to the hard, practical ones who can tell you exactly what to do, but to the listeners; that is, the kindest, least censorious, least bossy people you know. It is because by pouring out your problem to them, you then know what to do about it yourself.
When we listen to people there is an alternating current that recharges us so we never get tired of each other. We are constantly being re-created.
Now, there are brilliant people who cannot listen much. They have no ingoing wires on their apparatus. They are entertaining, but exhausting, too.
I think it is because these lecturers, these brilliant performers, by not giving us a chance to talk, do not let this little creative fountain inside us begin to spring and cast up new thoughts and unexpected laughter and wisdom. That is why, when someone has listened to you, you go home rested and lighthearted.

When People Listen, Creative Waters Flow

Now this little creative fountain is in us all. It is the spirit, or the intelligence, or the imagination - whatever you want to call it. If you are very tired, strained, have no solitude, run too many errands, talk to too many people, drink too many cocktails, this little fountain is muddied over and covered with a lot of debris. The result is you stop living from the center, the creative fountain, and you live from the periphery, from externals. That is, you go along on mere willpower without imagination.
It is when people really listen to us, with quiet, fascinated attention, that the little fountain begins to work again, to accelerate in the most surprising way.
I discovered all this about three years ago, and truly it made a revolutionary change in my life. Before that, when I went to a party, I would think anxiously: "Now try hard. Be lively. Say bright things. Talk. Don't let down." And when tired, I would have to drink a lot of coffee to keep this up.
Now before going to a party, I just tell myself to listen with affection to anyone who talks to me, to be in their shoes when they talk; to try to know them without my mind pressing against theirs, or arguing, or changing the subject.
Sometimes, of course, I cannot listen as well as others. But when I have this listening power, people crowd around and their heads keep turning to me as though irresistibly pulled. By listening I have started up their creative fountain. I do them good.
Now why does it do them good? I have a kind of mystical notion about this. I think it is only by expressing all that is inside that purer and purer streams come.
It is so in writing. You are taught in school to put down on paper only the bright things. Wrong. Pour out the dull things on paper too - you can tear them up afterward - for only then do the bright ones come.
If you hold back the dull things, you are certain to hold back what is clear and beautiful and true and lively.

Women Listen Better

I think women have this listening faculty more than men. It is not the fault of men. They lose it because of their long habit of striving in business, of self-assertion. And the more forceful men are, the less they can listen as they grow older. And that is why women in general are more fun than men, more restful and inspiriting.
Now this non-listening of able men is the cause of one of the saddest things in the world - the loneliness of fathers, of those quietly sad men who move along with their grown children like remote ghosts.
When my father was over 70, he was a fiery, humorous, admirable man, a scholar, a man of great force. But he was deep in the loneliness of old age and another generation. He was so fond of me. But he could not hear me - not one word I said, really. I was just audience. I would walk around the lake with him on a beautiful afternoon and he would talk to me about Darwin and Huxley and higher criticism of the Bible.
"Yes, I see, I see," I kept saying and tried to keep my mind pinned to it, but I was restive and bored. There was a feeling of helplessness because he could not hear what I had to say about it. When I spoke I found myself shouting, as one does to a foreigner, and in a kind of despair that he could not hear me. After the walk I would feel that I had worked off my duty and I was anxious to get him settled and reading in his Morris chair, so that I could go out and have a livelier time with other people. And he would sigh and look after me absentmindedly with perplexed loneliness.
For years afterward I have thought with real suffering about my father's loneliness. Such a wonderful man, and reaching out to me and wanting to know me! But he could not. He could not listen. But now I think that if only I had known as much about listening then as I do now, I could have bridged the chasm between us. To give an example:
Recently, a man I had not seen for 20 years wrote me. He was an unusually forceful man and had made a great deal of money. But he had lost his ability to listen. He talked rapidly and told wonderful stories and it was just fascinating to hear them. But when I spoke - restlessness: "Just hand me that, will you? ... Where is my pipe?" It was just a habit. He read countless books and was eager to take in ideas, but he just could not listen to people.

Patient Listening

Well, this is what I did. I was more patient - I did not resist his non-listening talk as I did my father's. I listened and listened to him, not once pressing against him, even in thought, with my own self-assertion.
I said to myself: "He has been under a driving pressure for years. His family has grown to resist his talk. But now, by listening, I will pull it all out of him. He must talk freely and on and on. When he has been really listened to enough, he will grow tranquil. He will begin to want to hear me."
And he did, after a few days. He began asking me questions. And presently I was saying gently:
"You see, it has become hard for you to listen."
He stopped dead and stared at me. And it was because I had listened with such complete, absorbed, uncritical sympathy, without one flaw of boredom or impatience, that he now believed and trusted me, although he did not know this.
"Now talk," he said. "Tell me about that. Tell me all about that."
Well, we walked back and forth across the lawn and I told him my ideas about it.
"You love your children, but probably don't let them in. Unless you listen, you can't know anybody. Oh, you will know facts and what is in the newspapers and all of history, perhaps, but you will not know one single person. You know, I have come to think listening is love, that's what it really is."
Well, I don't think I would have written this article if my notions had not had such an extraordinary effect on this man. For he says they have changed his whole life. He wrote me that his children at once came closer; he was astonished to see what they are; how original, independent, courageous. His wife seemed really to care about him again, and they were actually talking about all kinds of things and making each other laugh.

Family Tragedies

For just as the tragedy of parents and children is not listening, so it is of husbands and wives. If they disagree they begin to shout louder and louder - if not actually, at least inwardly - hanging fiercely and deafly onto their own ideas, instead of listening and becoming quieter and more comprehending.
But the most serious result of not listening is that worst thing in the world, boredom; for it is really the death of love. It seals people off from each other more than any other thing.
Now, how to listen. It is harder than you think. Creative listeners are those who want you to be recklessly yourself, even at your very worst, even vituperative, bad- tempered. They are laughing and just delighted with any manifestation of yourself, bad or good. For true listeners know that if you are bad-tempered it does not mean that you are always so. They don't love you just when you are nice; they love all of you.
In order to listen, here are some suggestions: Try to learn tranquility, to live in the present a part of the time every day. Sometimes say to yourself: "Now. What is happening now? This friend is talking. I am quiet. There is endless time. I hear it, every word." Then suddenly you begin to hear not only what people are saying, but also what they are trying to say, and you sense the whole truth about them. And you sense existence, not piecemeal, not this object and that, but as a translucent whole.
Then watch your self-assertiveness. And give it up. Remember, it is not enough just to will to listen to people. One must really listen. Only then does the magic begin.

We should all know this: that listening, not talking,
is the gifted and great role, and the imaginative role.
And the true listener is much more beloved, magnetic
than the talker, and he is more effective and learns more
does more good.

We should all know this: that listening, not talking, is the gifted and great role, and the imaginative role. And the true listener is much more beloved, magnetic than the talker, and he is more effective and learns more and does more good. And so try listening. Listen to your wife, your husband, your father, your mother, your children, your friends; to those who love you and those who don't, to those who bore you, to your enemies. It will work a small miracle. And perhaps a great one.

Brenda Ueland, a prolific Minnesota author and columnist, died in 1985 at the age of 93. Her father was a lawyer and judge, her mother a suffrage leader. From a collection of her essays, "Strength To Your Sword Arm: Selected Writings by Brenda Ueland." Copyright 1992

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

It's Summer!!!
So What'cha Gonna Do?
Ever Heard of a Staycation?

This issue of The Urban Shaman explores the possibilities of Staycations. Let your creativity lead you to some of the best times of your summer without leaving the city, county or state. And I have included some safety precautions to follow before you go to the beach....

Remember, Life is short, play hard!
Peace n' Blessings,


Take a Staycation!

What does it mean? Staycation is a portmanteau that combines “stay” and “vacation” and refers to a holiday that takes place either at or near home.

With the economy sagging and the nationwide average price for unleaded regular gas passing $4 per gallon and $10+ internationally, a pricey destination might not be in the cards for many people. Staycations are the newest alternative and can take many forms, including backyard camping “expeditions” and romantic “escapes” to a local hotel, chartered boat cruises around your local marina and dinner, Let your creativity come up with the ultimate Staycation.

Imagine the perfect summer vacation: Swimming in clear blue water, tennis and a little bicycling, barbecued meals, a concert under the stars, a ball game with fireworks, maybe even a museum or two …. and all for free.

Well, okay, not for free – but for a fraction of what other people will pay.

How? By Vacationing at Home

Depending, of course, on where you live, the home-based vacation — also known as a "staycation" — can be a great alternative to an expensive two- or three-week trip, assuming you plan it well and really treat it as a true vacation. My family and I have done it a couple of times, and we had a ball.

The Do's and Dont's

First, treat the home vacation as a real vacation, not just a poor alternative. That means preparing. Pay the bills ahead of time, just as you would before traveling. Mow the lawn and do the other chores you’d finish before leaving on a trip, so they don’t hang over you on your vacation.

Get hold of some local travel guides — the ones out-of-towners would get. Around home, we all fall into patterns, and there may be all sorts of local attractions you’ve forgotten or never knew about.

Plan a list of activities just as you would if you went to Rome or Athens, else you fritter the days away.

Set a budget — something less than you’d spend traveling but more than you’d spend in your regular routine at home. Don’t get too frugal. If you’re saving a bundle on airfares and hotels, you can splurge on meals and entertainment.

Get everyone to pitch in. There may be practical reasons that Mom or Dad is the chief cook and bottle washer the rest of the time, but that’s no excuse for saddling the same person with the chores now.

In fact, all but the most essential chores should be avoided. One of the biggest threats to a home vacation is the feeling that, “Well, I’m home and have some time… Maybe I can finally get to tidying up the garage…”

Absolutely not – this is a vacation!

By Jeff Brown
© 2008 MSNBC Interactive

I have done this a few times this year... I pack up or buy a really good lunch and head down to the beach or up the hill to my local park (which overlooks the city) and enjoy the great outdoors. Or sometimes I choose to stay at home... I clean the house top to bottom before the weekend, make sure I have all my provisions (favorite foods and wine, bath salts, essential oils (lavender, ylang ylang, rose geranium), pull the candles out to change the atmosphere) turn off the phones and enjoy my own spa/retreat...

Some Ideas:

Hire one of the many mobile spa practitioners and enjoy a spa night complete with facial, massage, mani-pedi without leaving home.

Have exotic foods from other country’s delivered and do a theme night/weekends... Brazilian Food and drinks, Clothes, Brazilian Music, ect...

I love the idea of a backyard camp-out, gazing at stars, mallo-mars, grilled dinner and breakfast.
(and thank God you don't have to do your bizness in the bushes) Or if you can get a reservation,
go to your local campground, rents some tents and go for it.

Go on a foto safari... it's amazing whats in your own backyard/city/county/state.

Silent Meditation Retreat at home (these can cost thousands of dollars if you go to India)... going within, and discovering yourself. Do some yoga, go for mindfull meditation walks, be with yourself! Who know you might like who you meet...

Unplug the devices...
WOW, now that's a thought... No phones, pda's, email, answering machines, TV, ect....
Can you do it? I dare you! Everything will be handled, you are not indispensable and it's great for your mental health.

Amtrak it!

Pacific Surfliner in Southern California

The Pacific Surfliner Route lies in a generally northwest by southeast direction along the Pacific Coast of California, connecting the cities of San Diego, Los Angeles, Oxnard, Santa Barbara, and San Luis Obispo. There are Amtrak motor coach connections between the Pacific Surfliners and the San Joaquin Valley. Amtrak's Pacific Surfliners also share some station facilities with Amtrak's Coast Starlight, and rail commuter services in Los Angeles, Orange, and San Diego Counties.

For instance, From Los Angeles’ Union Station, $34.00 will get you to San Diego’s Old Town on Friday night where you can hang out at the Zoo, the Safari Park, Jazz Clubs, Spas... ect... and you can return Sunday night and be refreshed.

Or go to the beach in Santa Barbara.... the train station is blocks from the beach, great little hotels and plenty of restaurants... $15-$19-$23.00 one way...
Wow, that’s cheaper than going to the beach in your car, sitting in bumper to bumper traffic and paying to park... Once again leave on a Friday, come back Sunday... You don’t even need a car and you’ll feel like a million bucks when you get back.

Amtrak even has diner cars, snack cars and beverage service to make your trip even more relaxing...
Explore you options at:


Healthy Beaches
by Paul McRandle

The dog days of summer are rolling in and your local beach may be the best place to cool off away from the heat of the city. But before you bodysurf on the swells, you'll want to be sure you'll leave as healthy as you entered.

According to the Natural Resources Defense Council's (NRDC) most recent report on national water quality, 2006 saw more beach closures than any of the 17 years NRDC has been monitoring them. High levels of bacteria in water were the occasion for over 60 percent of those closures and advisories. A third were due to pollution carried by rainfall into swimming waters. Beach closures in 2007 saw no change from 2006 levels, according to the EPA.

The risks of bacteria in water range from the unpleasant, such as ear, nose and throat infections, to the serious-cholera, hepatitis and amoebic dysentery. Even beaches regarded as safe can hold startlingly high levels of bacteria, found Dr. Andrew Rogerson, who headed up an EPA study of Florida beach sand. Bacteria concentrates in sand as water rises and recedes with the tides, leaving both wet sand and the dry sand just beyond it more heavily contaminated than the water.

And be careful of the elements as well. Sunscreen and sun protective clothing will shield your skin. Check for undertow or riptide warnings and swim parallel to the shore if you intend to swim a long distance.

Pregnant women, children, the elderly and those with a weakened immune system need to be particularly diligent about checking for advisories, but everyone should follow these basic precautions at the beach:

* For recent beach closings and information on how to find out if your favorite swimming spot is currently home to unsafe levels of bacteria, see the EPA's Beach Advisory and Closing on-line Notification (BEACON) site and Earth911's Beach Water Quality pages. Beaches that aren't listed may not be monitored regularly.

* Swallowing water is the most frequent way swimmers are exposed to bacteria, so keep your head above the waves.

* Avoid swimming near flowing stormdrain outlets, outfalls or runoff ditches. A study of City beaches beaches found that swimmers near stormdrains had a 57 percent greater chance of fever than those swimming over 400 yards away.

* Don't swim alone and don't dive into water you haven't been in previously.

* Don't swim after a heavy rain or near trash.

* Keep an eye on the waves-don't be caught unawares by large ones.

* Shower after visiting the beach.

* Disinfect cuts or abrasions to avoid infection.

* Those with suppressed immune systems should be checked for cuts both before and after swimming.

To help preserve the health of our beaches:

* Some chemical preservatives and stabilizers in sunscreens can damage coral reefs. For reef-safe lotions, see our Sunscreen Buying Guide.

* To protect your beach, contact the Surfrider Foundation (www.surfrider.org).

* Since the stormwater runoff accounted for the majority of closures, support measures to reduce runoff in your community.

The Green Guide @ 2008

Ever Wonder Where Your Plastic Bottles Go and Look Like When
You Don't Recycle?
Be responsible!

(or get a stainless steel bottle and filter/ionize/bottle your own water)

we only have One Planet. Play nice...

Monday, May 26, 2008

Are You Feelin’ It?

For the last little while, I have been feeling unsettled, as if something, some energy is shifting. As if the consciousness of the planet is in a state of rebirth... Either people are really kind and considerate or they are complete pricks. I kinda know what's going on with me on the inner level, but I wanted to do the outer search... So I looked up The Age of Aquarius... yep, I did.

A very interesting read...

I also have included information on being a care giver which is very close to me... If we are lucky enough to still have our parents or loved ones who face health issues... We have to remember to take exceptional care of ourselves in order to care for our loved ones. , I felt compelled to share this info for the challenges some of us face now and for those that will in the future.... There is an old saying “The caregiver usually gives out before the patient”.

These are exciting times we are blessed to experience...

Life is not just a journey... make it an adventure!

Much love to you all...

Peace N' Blessings,

What does
Age of Aquarius mean?

"What lies ahead for Humanity? With all the problems we have, it's hard to believe our future is bright. Inflation and recession, environmental deterioration, diminishing resources, unrest and oppression in developing countries, and apathy, loneliness and lack of direction in developed ones all combine to severely cloud the horizon...

Jesus was the one to announce the Age of Aquarius:
"a man will meet you carrying an earthen pitcher of water; follow him into the house where he goes in" (Luke 22:10; Mark 14:13.) The Last Supper was the symbol of the future "unio mystica."

"So, now a New Age has started which is called the
Age of Aquarius, meaning the pitcher carrier of spiritual holy water that is the work of Kundalini."
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

It may seem fantastic, but the signs in the heavens point to an extraordinary renewal in the years just ahead. If we recall some recent trends, this prospect doesn't seem so outlandish. It wasn't too long ago that we heard about the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, and about the revival of spirit among the new generation. We can still hear the echoes of John Kennedy's call to action and see the vision of Martin Luther King's dream. Before he and his dream were shot down in 1968, he said we as a people "would get to the promised land." The promise seems empty now, yet the planetary cycles support his prophecy. For what we discover when we examine these cycles is compelling evidence that a renaissance and a golden age is right around the corner." [1]

"You are probably familiar with the term New Age, and you may have heard or read about the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. This simply means that we are leaving one age (Pisces), and entering into a new one (Aquarius). This happens every two thousand years - the last one coinciding with the arrival of Christ.

What does this have to do with you? Well, it has quite a lot to do with you and everyone else on the planet. For a start, if you haven't already undergone any changes, you might be feeling the urge to change now, or you may be witnessing changes around you. Either way, you will certainly be aware that life on planet Earth seems to be going off the rails in one way or another.

This is characteristic of the changing of the Ages as people struggle to adapt to the new energies. You will also have noticed certain major developments - such as science, computers and technology, all of which are now forming the backbone of our society. UFO's, alternative medicine, astrology, vegetarianism and other subjects previously considered weird or cranky are growing rapidly in popularity, and are all subjects associated with the sign of Aquarius. These subjects will become more and more commonplace, and astrology and other 'mystical' methods of self-help and understanding will help people to become more in tune with their spiritual selves in preparation for the New Age.

People are already beginning to look within for the answers they seek, instead of outwards to money, possessions and other people. The more enlightened members of society will welcome the New Dawn with its emphasis on humanity, kindness, truth, spirituality and enlightenment." [2]

You also probably have heard the song, Age of Aquarius, "the one about the time when Jupiter aligns with Mars. Well, there's really more to it than that, as Jupiter and Mars align relatively often. What's really remarkable about this epoch is the powerful change that will sweep through our world, the shift in mood, action and intention that is already palpable. The estimated start date is thought to be sometime around the millennium, but, though its exact start date is contested among astrologers, astronomers, theologians and others, the effects of the Age of Aquarius have already been felt." [3]

The Age When Everything
Becomes Unified

"In the New Age we break free of centuries of false doctrines, destructive indoctrinations, absurd ideas, and children’s stories about God, education, medicine, and love. The corrupt foundations of false society crumble. This time of crises is not the signal of the end of the world. What comes is not the end, but the beginning. The dream humanity has lived for centuries ends and we awaken to a bright new day, a bright new way .

Now in the Age of Aquarius, everything becomes unified. All our differences, all our dualities mix together like the fragrances of a flower shop, with all of the different flowers adding their bouquet to the overall mix until they are inseparable. Each individual flower remains distinct and individual, each one’s fragrance is unique and discernible when you come up close to it, yet joined together in unity with the others in the wonderful mixture that is the smell of the shop.

Our individual worth comes from inside, from what we have inside, through our development, our evolution, and what we can give to society. Now our drastic differences dissolve and we integrate into the whole. We integrate and unify with the energy of the universe, with the great cosmic spirit.

Mystically, Aquarius signifies friendship. Friendship bursts upon us in its most elevated sense, in its most noble aspect — with understanding, collaboration, and fraternity. Love and friendship will have nothing to do with possessing or ego. The idea of love meaning "you belong to me" ends in the New Age. The thought of friends of convenience, friendship based on an ulterior motive such as business ends. Love and friendship based on anything other than pure love, the divine and pure love of God, changes the sentiment into a coin of exchange — you no longer have love or friendship because of who you are, but because of what you do or can do for me.

This is the era of peace, of unity, of love. The polarity of Aquarius, Leo, floods us with its complementary characteristics. The celestial throne of the Sun, Leo, encourages, ennobles, enriches, and enlightens us for the growth of our hearts, the growth of our inner beings. Together with Aquarius, Leo promotes the integration of our individuality with our unity with all humanity. We realize that we must first be something in and of ourselves to be something for others.

Under their combined influence, friendship with an agenda disappears into true fraternity, into pure unity. Then we can prepare ourselves for unity with the universal spirit. . . . In the Age of Aquarius, we break from the past to invent the future we desire in our society and in our person. The answers we find will be wholly new ones, totally original ones, but they require a thorough examination of what has been and what we wish to come. All our institutions as we know them must adapt to this new reality." [4]

This Golden Age is destined to synthesize all religious regimes and free the minds of ignorance and delusion forever. Once enlightened, each human being will begin his or her individual journey within, and strive to become the new race of super conscious humans awakening seekers of Truth and the eternal Spirit, healing peoples of many tongues and nations in the process. In this new millennium there will be no more falsehoods or derision, but spiritual living and third-eye vision. The Human Family is truly entering the Age of mystic revelations and the mind's true liberation which is broadly known as spiritualism or New Millennium Religion.

"The "New Age" is actually a synthesis of many different beliefs and currents of thought, the emphasis being on a rejection of the limitations of reductionist materialism and an emphasis on the way that one can alter one's personal reality through the application of belief, visualisation, and positive affirmation. In a sense it is a spiritual awakening, an activation of the "theosphere", an integration of holistic healing, alternative spirituality, esotericism, environmental sensitivity, alternative life-styles, awareness of other dimensions of existence, and attunement to the cosmos. for more on this, go to...


1. www.california.com
2. www.ajco.demon.co.uk

3. www.astrology.com

4. Walter Mercado, Beyond The Horizon: Visions of a New Millennium,
A Time Warner Company, 1997, p. 106-8.
5. www.kheper.net

6. Dan Costian (Ph.D), Bible Enlightened, 1995, p. 254-61

7. Knowledge of Reality Magazine 1996-2006

How to Be a
Healthy Caregiver...

Alzheimer caregivers report that they frequently experience high levels of stress. Too much stress can be damaging to both a caregiver and the person with Alzheimer’s.

If you experience some of these signs of stress on a regular basis, consult your doctor. Ignoring them can cause your physical and mental health to decline.
Symptoms of caregiver stress

Social withdrawal
Lack of concentration
Health problems

Be a healthy caregiver

Taking care of yourself is one of the most important ways to be a healthy caregiver.

Know what resources are available. Adult day care, in-home assistance, visiting nurses and Meals-on-Wheels are just some of the services that can help you.

Become an educated caregiver. As the disease progresses, new caregiving skills are necessary. Find information on alz.org or contact your local Alzheimer's Association.

Get help. You are not failing as a caregiver by asking others for assistance. Seek the support of family, friends and community resources. Alzheimer's Association support group meetings are a good source of comfort and reassurance. Or you can join our online community.

Take care of yourself. Watch your diet, exercise and get plenty of rest. Make time for shopping, lunch with friends or even a golf outing. Take advantage of community services such as adult day care or in-home companion services to care for your loved one while you take a break.

Manage your stress level. Stress can cause physical problems and changes in behavior. If you experience symptoms of caregiver stress, use relaxation techniques that work for you, and consult your doctor.

Accept changes as they occur. People with Alzheimer's change and so do their needs. They often require care beyond what you can provide on your own. Look into care services such as in-home caregiver services and residential care.

Do legal and financial planning. Consult an attorney to discuss legal, financial and care issues. If possible and appropriate, involve the person with Alzheimer's and other family members.

Be realistic. Many of the behaviors that occur are beyond your control and the control of the person with Alzheimer's. Grieve your losses, but also focus on the positive moments.

Give yourself credit, not guilt. You are doing the best you can. Don't feel guilty because you can't do more. Your loved one needs you, and you are there – that should make you feel proud.
