Sunday, September 28, 2008


The Chinese say.... May you live in interesting times...
Well these times are more than just interesting... I thought I was being challenged until I spoke to a few of my friends. One lost a job for caring for an ailing parent, some are watching as their investments go up in flames, some friends are upside down, ect.... I had my identity stolen last month and then again today....
( man I hate when someone messes with my money! ) all the while trying to survive “the depression” no one wants to talk about at least not with that language. Seems we are all being tested and reevaluating... our faith in ourselves (keeping our inner peace and resolve) and how much faith we can put in others (which is usually a really bad idea)...

It’s a time of optimism and growth... or complacency fueled by fear. We are on the eve of great changes in our society and our country as we knew it, and not only with the upcoming election. How’s it working for you? It’s time for cleaning up and securing our beliefs, our relationships, our inner workings (how we perceive ourselves), how we project ourselves to the world and how we want the world to see who we really are. It’s a time for discarding things, old ideas and theories, and people who/that no longer represent who and what we are... those that no longer serve us. It’s time to step up to the plate and be the change you want to see in the world... or not, that’s up to you... But serious change is a coming, like it or not and it will be uncomfortable as most change is.... and not just because the leaves are changing their colors this season...

Peace and Blessings,

We are in the midst of the battle of our lives. If fear wins you chain yourselves to a dimension that will never support your highest potentials, your authentic nature, your vitality or your peace.

If love wins, you regain everything that supports your passions, your relationships, your alchemical natures and your internal peace.

Each one of us is either going to free ourselves now to live as Ascended Beings on a New Planet Earth or relegate ourselves to one "hell" of a life.

If you are wondering why this is so, it's simple. Our Mother/Father God, the very soul of we are no longer desires the experience of further decline.
~Maureen Moss

"God is a God of Love and He does not teach through fear or use fear in any way."
~David Nelmes


Maureen Moss wrote the following timely article for her World Puja newsletter. It inspires hope and action for the financial crisis we are facing today.

I pray you are well as we watch the "end times" and the "beginning times" simultaneously take their rightful and destined places on Planet Earth. As we watch the great illusion crumbling into ash, it is we, The Great Phoenix's, that are being prepared to rise up from the ashes, and stay up as we witness the end times of one of the most strategic games of Illusion ever played in any dimension at any time.

(I remind you that The Phoenix is the mystical bird, which consumes itself in the fire and then rises from its own ashes.)

While many profess we are in the worst times in our human history, with our "Wag the Dog" politics, shaking and shuddering of Mother Earth and an economy careening out of control, I beg to differ. We are in the midst of the most mystical times of our life, and the most demanding times of our lives as we are being called UP to higher consciousness and higher stewardship of our lives on ALL levels of our Creation including the aspect living on Planet Earth.

What we are facing in the world external is our blessing, not our curse. How much longer could we continue to live beneath ourselves as powerless hostages rather than Powerful Alchemists and Unified Co-Creators of a Great Reality rather than a pathetic Illusion? Yet again, does crisis unite us? Perhaps this time, after this particular crisis passes (and it will) we will call forth our unification without crisis as the instigator.

Undoubtedly and understandably because we are accustomed to believing illusion is reality, it appears to many as though we're all going down on the Titanic. We are NOT. The illusion however is, if we let it. The distortion of reality is going down, if we let it. We are not going down, if we agree to come out of the trances and denials that illusion has hypnotized us with for eons of time and is making strong last ditch efforts to persuade us that Truth Is, where clearly lies are. We will not go down if once and for all we finalize who is going to be in charge of our lives, (and it's not a President) and whether the almighty dollar or the Almighty Gods that we are is going to be a priority and a force for change. We will not go down if we stop trying to breach our security by grasping for fear based solutions granting us momentary reprieve.

The world external grants us a grand mirror my brothers and sisters. This is the time where we are being called upon to be super-conscious about what illusions and fears lie hidden in ourselves (not just in those running for office) that must be exposed and examined, blessed and left to die off before the mind gets in there to perpetrate another cover-up, and believe me it will. The only difference between the mind and the government is the spelling. Both make frenzied and inappropriate choices more often than not, which we have come to find out repeatedly. The mind however goes one step further by deciding to get prophetic about your future, by conversing rapidly and repeatedly with you as to what to do about the predicament you and our world "appear to be in." Actually as I consider that, the government is doing that as well now isn't it?

Please let me remind you that neither the mortal mind nor the government have the capability to be either prophetic or design a Divine Blueprint of re-creation. Only our hearts and soul coupled with passion, intention and action can. With the great illusion finally falling apart, we are being given all of the legroom necessary to create something that is its polar opposite, something that has been waiting in the "wings" for us as a potential for a very long time - The Great Reality.

It seems that we in the United States had best cast our votes as wisely as possible and get busy with the task at hand, creating a Great Reality out of the ashes of the fallen Illusion. Once our votes are cast, the rest will be taken care of. Since I have never known Spirit to deal from the top of the deck, EVER, perhaps it's another Masterful set-up for unification on a much higher playing field. I certainly don't know for sure, but I have seen and experienced many a set-up that turned out to be experience used for something greater.

There is a reason that the election has stirred up a hornet's nest in so many bonnets and it's a good thing. It's caused many to stand up and fight for what they believe is fair and right. It's caused many to be sickened by blatant lies and fraudulent statements and to go to great lengths to discredit what they will not tolerate. It's inciting humanity to move out of complacency and fight for the right to be free and to demand honesty and integrity and to make sure our voices are heard and actions are taken. It's exciting that this might be the very fuel that's long been needed to amp up consciousness, to create a Greater Reality, not just talk about it or pray for it. It's our task, and it will be our blessing.

Imagine the example we are capable of setting for all of humanity including our children and theirs to come. Imagine the healing that will be felt by of our entire ancestral lineage if we go about the task at hand? There isn't a President or Head of State or Nation that's going to "secure" anybody's future. That's just another illusion being irresponsibly promised. It's a blessing to finally see what illusion does to humanity on a grand scale, and it's humbling to see where in our own lives we have done it to ourselves and each other.

Now, if each will take that stirred up energy, turn it inward and clean up any personal internal messes and clear things up with your loved ones (past or present) you will have fertile ground on which to create a Great Reality. You will be supported by a God and Guardians of higher dimensions in your pursuit of happiness and fairness, self-respect and love as you turn your attention towards what you really came to this earth to do, create a Great Reality that is dependent on nothing other than your increased abilities to love responsibly, BE compassion and imbue the vitality of Spirit in every soul you meet.

What would your version of the Great Reality look like based on heartfelt and soul-filled terms and conditions and love and beyond for your-Self and each other? Do you doubt for a moment that you can create a Great Reality and then inflame it? You can. After all we did it with the illusion didn't we? The same energy and power we used to inflame and joint venture with the great illusion shares the metal of the same coin to create the Great Reality and inflame it, and live peacefully within its embrace. It just depends which way you purposefully flip it and how sick and tired you are of the fraudulent nature of illusion and recognize once and for all how it rapes, pillages and plunders TRUTH and LOVE and COMPASSION and UNITY.

To some it may seem improbable to consider birthing (creating) a Great Reality given the current state of external affairs. It's not. It's perfect timing. Apparently we needed a great prompting and now our attention has been gotten in a palpable way. Are you ready for something fresh and life giving? Are you ready to once and for all BE harmonious with your Divine State of Being and with each other? Are you going to wait for someone to get elected to an office in third dimensional territory for a fifth dimensional happening to take place?

Remember WE are the ones we have been waiting for, not an elected official. It seems that those in every state and every nation would be well served to unite and co-create a new Great Reality whose underpinnings are Certainty, Strength, Support, Honest Communication, Wisdom, Compassion and Love. And here's something to consider; though some may not be ready to co-create The Great Reality with you, so be it. Bless them and let them live out their version of life. You will only be affected if you allow it or when you bend down in the mud and roll around with them.

Mahatma Gandhi said: "Human greatness lies in being able to remake themselves and then they will be the change they wish to see in the world." I add to that: Human greatness lies in being fully capable of closing down an era of time known as the Great Illusion and co-creating The Great Reality, opening a new era in time of love and beyond.

Copyright, September 2008, Maureen Moss,
Please pass this on with proper credit and website.
as condensed by Sylvia Silk at

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